Conventional Power Resources | Fossil Fuels | Name Three Renewable Energy Resources | Solar Energy | Electrician
1.2 Conventional Energy Resources
1.2.1 Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) are the fossils of old biological life. Fossil fuelsare formed by decomposition and chemical actions of buried organic matter
under favourable conditions of heat and pressure in several million years. Fossil
fuels have been a major source of energy since long.
(i) Coal: The largest share of the global coal reserve (about 25%) is in the
USA followed by Russia and China. India ranks 4th in the list with about 9%of global coal reserve. As per an estimate, global coal reserve will last for
200 years with present consumption rate.
Coal contributes about 55% of the total primary energy production in
India. Coal is the major energy source for power/electricity (approximately
70%) production in India and it is expected to remain the dominant fuel
for power generation. India has huge coal reserves and may last for about 300 years. Coal reserves are concentrated in Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pr 300 years. Coal reserves
Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Maharashtra Bengal. Indian coal is typically of poor quality (high ash c harkhand rade
beneficiation to improve the quality. Coal imports Orissa, Jharkhand content will also need matically to satisfy growing power requirements of Indidra
(ii) Oil: Saudi Arabia has the largest share of almost 23% followed by Russia and the USA.
A oil reserve will last for 40 years with present cons deficient country and has only 0.6% of the global oil India's oil reserves are located in the Bombay High, Krishna-Godavari. Oil reserves in India will earther oil reserves are discovered. The count is peaked at about 32 million tonnes as against the current peak about 110 million tonnes. India's self sufficiency in oil has consiste from 60% in the 1950s to 30% currently. India imports 70% of its mainly from gulf nations. India will have to import up to 92% present consumption rate. Oil contributes about 35% of the total pri production in India. In terms of sectorwise consumption, transport ac for 42% followed by domestic and industry with 24% and 2400 respect lobal oil reserve with umption rate. India ireserve. The majority upper Assam, Ca Cambay, and exhaust in about 25 yearsif annual crude oil production mand ot crude needs y 2020 with ntl heively
(ii) Gas: The Russian Federation has the largest share of the global gs
reserve with almost 27%. As per an estimate, the global gas
for 70 years with present consumption rate. Natural gas reserves in India
estimated at 660 billion cubic metres. Gas reserves in India will exhaust
about 30 years if no further gas reserves are discovered. Natural gas accounts
for about 8.9 per cent of energy consumption in India. Over the years, there
has been a marked increase in the share of natural gas in primary energ
reserve will last
production. The current demand for natural gas is about 150 million cubic
metres per day while the availability is less. India's natural gas production
likely to be increased by involving private operators.
1.2.2 Nuclear Fuels 0 Uranium reserves in the world are small and are expected to last for 6
with the present consumption rate. The maior available reserves of uranium
in Australia, Canada and to a lesser extent in the USA. India has the m
reserves of uranium at Jadugoda, Jharkhand. are odest tor
Thorium reserves are large and utilization of thorium in bre may fulfil the growing energy need. The breedeet commercially developed due to slow breeding rate of world's thorium reserves in the sand beaches of India has about 25% contributes to about 2.4 percent of electricity generated in India
1.2.3 Hydropower Resources
enewable and well developed conventional source of
Hydropower is a renergy for electricity generation at low cost. The global installed capacity
Hydroelectric power plant is about 7,78,038 MW which is about 20% of th
world's electricity generation capacity and about 3% of the world's pri
energy production. Only about one-third of world's hydropower potential has
been utilized so far because of huge capital investment and environmental and social concerns. China is the leader in terms of world's hydropower generation.
mary India is endowed with a vast and viable hydro potential for power generation
Hydro potential in India is about 100,000 MW and India ranks 7th in the world
in terms of world's hydropower potential. Only 15% of hydropower potential
in India has been harnessed so far. About 25% power generation in India is
through hydro resources. But, the share of hydropower in the country's total
generated units has steadily decreased.
The rivers in India can be divided into four regions. Brahmaputra river
system or region covers West Bengal and the north-east states of India.
The important rivers of this region are: Brahmaputra, Barak and their tributaries
Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and
such as Tista and Mahananda. Ganga river system or region covers Uttar
est Bengal. The important rivers of this region are: Ganga and its tributaries
as Yamuna, Sone, Gomati and Mahananda. The north-west river region
ers Jammu and Kashmir, Puniab. Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, and Rajasthan he important rivers
of river Indus. Central India and Deccan river region covers Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Orissa, Maharashtra, Gujarat of this region are: Sutlej, Beas, Ravi, Chenab, Jhelum-
Madhya Pradesh. The important rivers of this region are:
ahanadi, God
gether account for 80% of the total hydropower potential of India
Conventional Power Resources | Fossil Fuels | Name Three Renewable Energy Resources | Solar Energy | Electrician
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ReplyThis blog offers great insights into the importance of transitioning from conventional power resources like fossil fuels to renewable energy. Solar energy, wind power, and hydropower are crucial for a sustainable future. A well-rounded post—thanks for sharing such valuable information!
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